The Carpetbagger
Jacob the Carpetbagger – A popular YouTube explorer
But what is a “carpetbagger”?
Definition of a carpetbagger Merriam-Webster
1: a Northerner in the South after the American Civil War usually seeking private gain under the reconstruction governments
2: outsider; especially : a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics
carpetbaggery \-ˌba-g(ə-)rē\ noun
A carpetbagger is also simply
from their carrying all their belongings in carpetbags
The Carpetbagger’s YouTube description is as follows: Welcome to the Carpetbagger’s Youtube Channel. Here you will find a Yankees unique perspective on living in the South. I am obsessed with Southern Cultures, Folk Heroes, Folk Villains and Roadside Attractions.
In the year 2000, Jacob describes buying a camera and taking photos for fun. He and then girlfriend, later wife, would just explore the roads less traveled taking photos. He shared them on his personal Flickr and this is where his love of road side attractions developed. The Carpetbagger originally started out with a website thecarpetbagger.org to blog and post photos of the things and places he found unusual and interesting. As explained in one of his videos he began his interest in YouTube by looking up the abandoned SixFlags in New Orleans to see if it was possible to get in to take photos. He came across another YouTube creator, Adam the Woo. Jacob came to realize that people like videos. There is truth in that a lot of people like to watch videos over reading. He was able to meet Adam the Woo by suggesting places for Adam and then meeting up to be in a few videos.
If you watch The Carpetbagger, you will soon see his style is a lot like Adam the Woo. Jacob gives Adam much credit for helping him develop into the YouTube entertainer he is today. Jacob and Adam are different but have similar content, often teaming up for adventures together. The Carpetbagger loves roadside attractions, weird museums, landmarks and abandoned places (he even dabbles in the paranormal). Jacob looks like a pretty likable, happy guy and rarely complains about trolls and haters. He let’s you into his life enough to allow everyone a look at a genuine person. Overall Jacob is an explorer of some pretty interesting things. He explains in a personal video back in January of 2018, that he was forced to make a life changing decision. Quit his profession, or quit YouTube. Jacob made the decision to sink or swim. The Carpetbagger decided to go for the YouTube dream and he is doing what he loves.
So check out some of The Carpetbagger’s most interesting and Popular abandoned places including the top five viewed videos and other popular videos.
YouTube top 5 videos
Abandoned Amusement Park – Funtown Mountain
Abandoned Mansion with Blood Stains and Claw Marks
# 3
Lincoln’s Skull Fragments plus Endless Horror – National Museum of Health and Medicine
# 4
World’s Most Amazing Collection of Tragic Artifacts – The Newseum
# 5
Hollywood Death and Murder Museum And Tour with Scott Michaels
Expedition Sasquatch – Bigfoot Museum
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World’s Largest and Most Amazing Junk Yard – Old Car City U.S.A.
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Massive Mechanical Chicken
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